Module 2. Tools
What tools you actually need and will use to make a bag: Review of every tool with a link where to buy (only for the price reference, you can buy whenever you want)
Technical intro: How to use this course
Overview and Cutting tools
Marking/tracing tools
Cutting Mat
Glue and Burnishing gum to polish edges
Punching tools
Binder Clips (not Pins)
Adds-On: Lighter, Pliers, Sandpaper, Belt Cutter
Stitching Chisels
Edge Dyeing tools
Dremel and Hand Press
Materials, Tools, Suppliers, Core skills: tracing, cutting, gluing, stitching. Pattern making and 6 Projects: tassel, unlined & lined pouches, 3 totes (leather unlined, lined, waxed canvas top)
All materials of Level 1:Bag Maker + Pattern Making + 3 more projects + Sell & Create: Instagram for crafters.
Level 1:Bag Maker + Level 2: Bag Designer + additional design masterclasses + Live session about patterning and assembly of your design