The clean and neat edges make the bag look more refined and high-end, while uneven edges with shreds will give your bag a homemade appearance. If you want people to recognize the quality of your bags, mastering this skill is essential.

After this practice, you'll feel more confident about cutting leather. You'll understand the difference between cutting thin and thick leather, know which tools to use, and learn how to position your hands correctly to make it smooth and easy on the first try.

Course curriculum

    1. Welcome to the class!

    2. Technical Intro: How to use this course

    3. Tools: Scissors and cutting knives

    4. Tools: Rulers to use for straight cuts with no shredded edges

    5. Tools: Cutting Mat

    6. 1. How to cut neat straight edges: practice, mistakes, troubleshooting

    7. 2. The difference in cutting heavy, slouchy, and lightweight leather

    8. 3. Cutting thick belt leather with utility/rotary knives

    9. Let's compare how much more confident you feel about cutting now 😍 (optional)

About this course

  • 9 lessons

The lessons are available right after the enrollment.

You can pause, rewatch, and come back to the lessons as many times as you want, and if something remains unclear feel free to ask me a question in the discussion window in each lesson.