How to choose leather & where to buy it
What leather to get for your project: type, weight & list of suppliers
Picking the leather: how to pick it right for your project to get the result you want
Weights of leather: what they feel like and what they're best suited for
Leather thickness in ounces and millimeters
Textures & types of leather: how different textures look like & feel like
What leather to select for a domestic sewing machine
List of reliable Leather Suppliers located in the USA
What leather to pick for unlined/lined bag and how to pick the right combo leather+fabric
What's next?
Different types and weight of leather and how to choose leather for your project
How to combine different colors and thicknesses for the cohesive look
And also you'll get the list of reliable suppliers
If you're a beginner you can get any step-by-step classes or enroll in any making class
Lined bag with top zip closure, the bag has slide pockets and a zip pocket inside.
Step-by-step video tutorial to make a great-looking lined Borla bag from scratch, complete with a full set of pockets: front slides, outside zipper, and inside slide and zipper pockets.
Materials, Tools, Suppliers, Core skills: tracing, cutting, gluing, stitching. Pattern making and 6 Projects: tassel, unlined & lined pouches, 3 totes (leather unlined, lined, waxed canvas top)
All materials of Level 1:Bag Maker + Pattern Making + 3 more projects + Sell & Create: Instagram for crafters.
Level 1:Bag Maker + Level 2: Bag Designer + additional design masterclasses + Live session about patterning and assembly of your design